A little friend for a wandering mind

A focus timer that adds a little Structure to your otherwise unstructured life.

Used by 60,000+ wanderers

Life is messy. We struggle, we toil, and we fail. We try again, only to fail once more. But maybe, just maybe, something eventually works out. Still, at its core, life is full of uncertainty.

Sometimes, we just need a little structure, a gentle push, a reliable friend, and some data to help us make sense of the chaos.


A little Friend that you can call your own. He guides you while you venture into the Garden of Distractions.

Here's a little question for you. Does this sound like you?

You struggle to get started on tasks and procrastinate.

You get distracted and mindlessly browse the web a little too much.

You wish you had some structure you could rely on that nudges you to do things.

You wish there was something that could reduce friction.

That's okay buddy. It's most people too.

Here's how Otto can help. Keep scrolling.

At it's core, Otto is a timer with a blocker. But it's also more than that.

Where it truly shines is by automating your actions.

and helping you make little progress everyday.

Don't just work, do mindful work.

Work is always better when you're mindful. Break your time into sessions using the Pomodoro Technique.

Take regular breaks to avoid overwhelm and stay focused.

Feeling bad about mindless browsing?

It's normal to be distracted but don't let that make you feel bad. Otto helps you stay mindful by blocking distracting sites while you work.

Does friction stop you from doing everything?

Workflows help you reduce friction when you want to do something.

They're simple rules that guide you to make decisions. They are designed to fit into your routine.

  • Create customizable rules to fit you

  • Flow mode to ease into work

  • Create any number of triggers

Life is big, so one task at a time.

Life is about doing little things slowly and making incremental progress. It is better than doing many things at once.

Task Timers help you narrow down your focus on a single task.

  • Tasks upto 60 minutes

  • In-browser todo-list

  • Single task mode

  • Sequence mode

Spending a little too much time browsing when you shouldn't?

Don't perma block, just block when you're being mindless.

Autoblock lets you set a timer on distracting sites so that you can still browse them but not too much.

  • Syncs between tabs

  • Works when timer is on or off

  • Customise duration for each rule.

See, learn and understand your life

Data can tell you a lot about yourself, especially how far you've come and what you've been doing

It also holds you accountable and gives you a bigger picture of where you're headed.

See? Everything is either about focus or a way to reduce distractions

Everything is connected

In short, Otto can help you with these things.

Reduce friction to get started on tasks and feel accountable.

Helps you minimize and avoid procrastination by guiding you to make a choice.

Helps you become more mindful and aware during your work sessions.

Gives a little structure and support to your life.

Makes you aware when you're mindlessly browsing the web.

So, feelin' ready to wander together, buddy?