There are a lot of resources about how to manage ADHD symptoms online, you've probably come across tons of lists on do this or do that and you'll be able to manage your ADHD. However I believe that most of these miss a huge part of what makes it difficult to manage ADHD while working.
The Problem with existing Advice
While most of the advice like sleeping better and having a schedule is valid, it doesn't directly translate into you putting your ass on your desk while working. Oftentimes, we go down this rabbit hole of "How often do dogs think about us" to "What if the printing press was invented in the 4nd century". We're all over the place and I speak from experience and overtime I built a system or tool to help me get into the flow of working or at alteast start working on a task. Usually, it's the latter.
Just to give you the answer quickly and not beat around the bush - the quick answer is reducing friction to do X task.
People with ADHD need practical solutions and simple systems. Most solutions don't translate well especially if you work on a computer.
The Secret or not so secret solution to manage ADHD
A couple of years ago, I built this little tool for myself called Otto. It is a focus timer for Chrome, it is designed to make the user care about the little blue guy, called Otto. It is a gamified approach to productivity.
At first, it was simple, just a Pomodoro timer, that would block websites I set during a focus session. But over time, I got used to it and when things get familiar for unorganized people, we get used to it and stop caring.
The thing I realized over the years of experimenting is that for me to get started with something I need 2 things
- Lower or completely eliminate the friction to start a task
- Back yourself into a corner so that you have no option but to move forward
Otto is built using these 2 guiding principals, and from these came these three features.
- Autoblock
- Workflows
Together they are called Workflows (for ADHD).
They're core goal is to help you, the user develop structure and routines that'll help you manage your wandering mind better. It is similar to meditation but you bring back your focus on a single thought, but with Otto you don't need to be the meditator.
If you haven't checked out Otto, I urge you to do so.
Build simple systems for Distraction - Autoblock
One of the most important things to overcome distractions if you have ADHD is to build systems. Not complex systems but very tiny systems. The goal of these systems should be to remind you or get you started on something.
But in the context of working - it can be to remind you that you are spending quite sometime on things you shouldn't be spending time on during your work hours.
How the Autoblock feature can help you?
Autoblock will remind you that you only have X number of minutes available to spend on a website. This is very useful if you get sucked down the rabbit hole and end up watching "What's at the center of blackholes". After the duration is complete, autoblock automatically blocks the website for you.
You can setup autoblock with a duration to block any website automatically.
Sometimes I go through these periods where I work a lot and then I hit a wall and not work for a while. And I don't like how that feels. So Autoblock helps me remember that I'm spending too much time on something when I have other priorities.
Reduce friction to start on a Task - Workflows
For people with ADHD, friction is like Darth Vader using the force. It paralyzes us mentally, causing us to not act. Even if the friciton is so small, we feel like it is this massive thing that we will have to overcome. So we endup putting whatever we have to do on a to-do list for tomorrow. Then we never do it!
How the Workflow feature can help?
Workflows automatically starts a focus timer when you go to a specific website. You can set an Workflows rule to force the timer to start. If you're like me, you feel like opening an app or a popup to track time or do anything is just a lot of effort. You find it so difficult to start something. Workflows aims to lower that friction. Since it forces you to start a timer, you either have to work or just stop it. This is what I meant earlier when I said back yourself into a corner so you got no option but to do it.
- Say you are a manager, you use Asana a lot. But you also struggle with starting on your tasks so you end up on YouTube or start reading something unrelated. To overcome this, you can set an Workflows rule for Asana, that will trigger a Focus timer. Now when you visit YouTube, it'll be blocked. So you have no chance but to follow through.
Can I use Workflows and Auto-block all at once?
The perfect system doesn't exist. Small parts make a whole, and just like that using all these workflows together you can design a workflow that works around your schedule.
The End
Some may think these little focus timer has too many features and are not simple. They are right, life in general is not simple. Nothing is ever simple. There's no one-size-fits-all solution to help with feeling all over the place. Just like you can't only use a hammer to build a table, you can't just use one tool to manage your ADHD. You need a variety of them and create systems in place that try to lower or eliminate what's stopping you.