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What are tasks and task timers in Otto?

Published on January 31, 2024

Tasks are just your regular todolists but task timers are tasks that are assigned to a timer. Think a pomodoro timer + todo. You can start using task timers by switching to the "tasks" tab in Otto.

Currently Task timers have 2 modes - "Sequence" mode, with an upcoming addition named "Takedown,"

In the Sequence mode, task timers operate sequentially, one after the other. You can personalize the duration of each timer when creating a task, allowing for a flexible and customized experience. Upon completion, Otto automatically marks the task as done.

The upcoming "Takedown" mode introduces an exhilarating challenge, requiring users to complete all or a majority of tasks within a specified timeframe. Tasks are either randomly or sequentially assigned based on user preferences. The catch: users must manually mark each task as complete to contribute to the overall achievement.

This mode is tailor-made for those seeking an adrenaline rush and a heightened sense of urgency in their daily tasks. Otto's Takedown mode promises a thrilling experience, pushing users to conquer their to-do list within the defined timeframe and fostering a greater sense of accomplishment.